
God Exists, Her Name Is Petrunija

Gospod postoi, imeto i' e Petrunija
Directed by: Teona Strugar Mitevska

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Movie poster Bóg istnieje, a jej imię to Petrunia
Original title: Gospod postoi, imeto i' e Petrunija
Runtime: 100 min.
Production: Macedonia/Belgia/Francja/Chorwacja/Słowenia , 2019
Release Date: 25 October 2019
Distribution: Aurora Films

Directed by: Teona Strugar Mitevska
Cast: Zorica Nusheva, Labina Mitevska, Stefan Vujisic

The film of the leading Macedonian director Teona Strugar Mitevska is inspired by the events of 2014, which sparked a wave of discussions about the role of women in the modern world and the church.

The picture was won, among others The Ecumenical Jury Award and the Filmmakers Guild Award at the last Berlinale festival.

In theaters from October 25, 2019.

"A sharp satire in Macedonia about power, change and the place of women in the patriarchal world." - Screen International

The action takes place in a small town in the eastern part of Macedonia. Every year in January, local pop throws a wooden cross into the river, behind which hundreds of men jump into the water. Whoever manages to fish it out can count on luck and prosperity. At least, this was the case until Petrunia succeeded.

In the local community, shock is mixed with rage, because how is it possible that the woman had the audacity to take part in the male ritual. A small scandal breaks out, especially since Petrunia is not going to step down.

Average rate: 10.0
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IMDb© rate: Bóg istnieje, a jej imię to Petrunia on IMDb

Movie trailer: God Exists, Her Name Is Petrunija

Your comments

maru 28. October 2019, 22:24

Ani jednej zmarnowanej sekundy. Świetny, wstrząsający.

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