
Magical Nights

Notti magiche
Directed by: Paolo Virzi

Cinema program "Magical Nights" in Kraków

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Movie poster Magiczne noce
Original title: Notti magiche
Runtime: 125 min.
Production: Włochy , 2018
Release Date: 16 August 2019
Distribution: Against Gravity

Directed by: Paolo Virzi
Cast: Mauro Lamantia, Giovanni Toscano, Irene Vetere

Rome, summer 1990. The Football World Cup is underway. Maradona eliminates the Italians from the finals, and the carabinieri catches the body of a recognized film producer from the Tiber. His young lover indicates the guilty - three aspiring screenwriters. Antonino, Luciano and Eugenia get to the police station where they spend an intense night. They are reliving the last stormy and exciting 30 days that turned their lives upside down.

Paolo Virzìi's latest film is both a comedy and a film noir. The master of Italian cinema is back in a big way after the stunning success of the hit "Crazy out of happiness". This time he portrays the last moments of the great era of the Italian film industry, during Fellini's lifetime. In the early 1990s, Virzì himself was like heroes when he landed in Rome as a young boy. He tells about the film: "lies are intertwined with the real memories of crazy, magical, threatening nights that still come back in some of my dreams."

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Movie trailer: Magical Nights

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