Cinema program "Piąte: Nie odchodź!" in Kraków
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"Piąte: Nie odchodź!"
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Runtime: 75 min.
Production: Polska , 2014
Category: drama
Release Date: 13 March 2015
Distribution: Kino Świat
Directed by: Katarzyna Jungowska
Cast: Łukasz Simlat, Andrzej Malinowski, Daniel Olbrychski
Catherine Jungian debut film, awarded the prestigious prize prospect them. Janusz Morgenstern. Starring: Luke Simlat, Grazyna Szapołowska, Daniel Olbrychski and extremely talented actress Michalin Olszańska the younger generation, who starred in the films "Jack Strong" and "City 44". "Fifth: do not go!" It also made her acting debut singer Patrycja Markowska. Is responsible for the photos Peter Śliskowski ("My bike," "General Nil", "80000000"), a musical setting dealt with Paul Mykietyn ("33 Scenes from Life", "Essential Killing", "Sweet Rush", "Walesa. Man of Hope "). Dressup designed Maciej Zien actors. Film with special participation of professional dancers of the National Opera in Warsaw.
After losing his mother fifteen Roma tries to sort out his life anew. Lives
with his father. The man, however, is completely absorbed in work and neglects the relationship with his daughter. Despite the mutual need for closeness, both live next to each other and can not make a deep contact. Girl finds comfort in the intensive dance training. One day to an abandoned house in the neighborhood of Roma introduces a mysterious stranger (Daniel Olbrychski). Teenager begins to suspect that the taciturn man is her guardian angel.

Movie trailer: Piąte: Nie odchodź!
Your comments
Film mało ciekawy, w dużym stopniu odtwórczy. Stanowi mieszankę wątków i pomysłów które wielokrotnie przewijały się w ostatnich latach w polskim kinie. Próba naśladowania stylu/pomysłów Szumowskiej( min. "Body/Ciało"), trochę A.Więcka ("Anioł w Krakowie"), tytuł od Kieślowskiego, szybki mix, plus dokooptowanie Olbrychskiego do obsady - i mamy efekt - wymęczone 75 minut. Wymęczona produkcja "rodzinna" - K.Jungowska, G.Szapołowska, E.Stępniewski...mająca zapewne ułatwić debiut...