Cinema program "Triple 9" in Kraków
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"Triple 9"
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Runtime: 115 min.
Production: USA , 2016
Category: action / crime / thriller
Release Date: 18 March 2016
Distribution: UIP
Directed by: John Hillcoat
Cast: Kate Winslet, Casey Affleck, Woody Harrelson
When a group of corrupt cops and ex-Special Forces soldiers accede to almost doomed to failure pitch on behalf of absolute gangsters, the only hope for survival is to dial * 999, which moves the police all over Atlanta.
* 999 is an internal call the police by the police, meaning that a police officer was wounded in the shooting and / or life is in danger. After receiving the signal all police units put into place a call.
At the head of a group of corrupt cops (Anthony Mackie, Clifton Collins Jr., Aaron Paul, Norman Reedus) is a former member of the Special Forces Michael Atwood (Chiwetel Ejiofor), responsible for the spectacular criminal attack. Mysterious attacks trying to work out the meantime, Jeffrey Allen (Woody Harrelson). He does not know that one of the criminals unwittingly cooperates his nephew, police officer Chris Allen (Casey Affleck).
When ordered by the Russian-Israeli Mafia, headed by Irina absolute Vlaslov (Kate Winslet), a criminal group joins unlikely, actually impossible robbery, the only chance of survival is to dial 999.

Movie trailer: Triple 9
Your comments
Konkret. Czysta prawda o Amerykańskich miastach, policji i przeznaczeniu...
Ostry. Bez upiększania.
Ok. Realistyczny obraz obecnej policji i rosyjskiej mafii w USA.
Dobry film. Polecam. Jest to film doglebnie realistyczny i przerażający. Nie jest zrobiony pod publikę. Dobrze zagrany.
Film słaby, nudny, przereklamowany, beznadziejny.