Cinema program "Seventh Son" in Kraków
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Runtime: 102 min.
Production: Chiny / Kanada / USA / Wielka Brytania , 2014
Category: adventure / family / fantasy
Release Date: 23 January 2015
Distribution: UIP
Directed by: Sergey Bodrov
Cast: Charles Leavitt, Max Borenstein, Steven Knight, Matt Greenberg
At a time when witchcraft, magic and legends intertwine with each other, the last warrior of the mysterious Order (Oscar® winner JEFF BRIDGES "True Grit" / True Grit /, "Iron Man") embarks on a journey to find a predicted in the prophecies character which data is to become superhuman strength - Seventh Son last (BEN BARNES "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" / The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian /, "Stardust" / Stardust /).
Torn from his peaceful life on the farm and not realized full until the end of the matter of the role he had to fill, Tom - Seventh Son takes with his seasoned mentor expedition, whose goal is to beat the queen of darkness (Golden Globe winner JULIANNE MOORE " The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. Part 1 "/ The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1", "Everything's fine" / The Kids Are All Right /) and its army of assassins with supernatural strength.
For centuries people have been protected from the forces of darkness by the law under the sign of noble warriors Falcon. Was left with only one of them: Master Gregory (Bridges), a white-haired demon slayer of the language so cut as his sword. As a witch hunter, the other day was seduced by their queen (Moore), his biggest mistake was to show her mercy ... Now he has to pay a high price because for years hidden dark secrets begin to come to light ...
Queen of the Witches, Mateczka Malkin, after being betrayed by the man she loved hardest, rotting in jail, and her revenge is becoming stronger. Blood Moon Rising was only strengthens her magical power of transformation is to help her break out of prison at the end of the dungeon.
Panting for revenge Mateczka Malkin convenes his army of witches, warlocks, and all sorts of forms of darkness to joining forces to punish the cruel world that threw them aside. That mankind has created this monster ... and now must face him.
The only hope of defeating the forces of evil is Tom, Seventh Son, torn between his age and the desire to carry out the duty of a peaceful, family life. He also hides a dark secret ... The forces of darkness, with which it has to face, they are also a part of himself, because his mother was also a witch. Tom realizes, however with their duties and with Gregory goes to a meeting with the Queen of Darkness.
Obedience Tom and his devotion are put to the test when the półwiedźmie falls in love with Alice (Alicia Vikander "Anna Karenina", "Lover Queen" / A Royal Affair /) sent to nullify their actions. Becoming stronger mutual fascination sworn enemy forces them to choose between love and duty. Whether you decide, therefore, miss the feeling, or expose their supporters?
Two forces collide with each other on the way to the inevitable confrontation, which is expected to play in the heart of the mountain. Is Master Gregory defeat evil witch Malkin, without giving yourself the power of the dark? Could that Malkin will be stronger than the power of the Order of the Falcon? Is Alice will fight for your happiness, or submit to the dictates of his unbridled heart? Tom and finally defeat the forces of darkness, thus showing the true power of the Seventh Son?

Movie trailer: Seventh Son
Your comments
Swietne fantasy. Bylem na 4D w Bonarce - szczerze polecam - inne doznania filmu:) PIerszy raz widzilame pelnometrazowy filme w tej technice i jestem pod duzym wrazeniem.
dlaczego na filmach typowo przygodowych jak ten nie ma dubbingu?? chetnie bym poszedł z 13-sto letnim synem bo uwielbia tego typu kino ale nie ma wersji tłumaczonej tylko napisy :( :( to przeklada sie na zarobki kina bo mlodsza widownie nie skorzysta a dobre filmty nie maja dubbingu a beznadziejne maja jak to jest? gdzie mżna zgłaszać skargi do sieci cinema city?
Baśń dla dorosłych czyli fantasy. Bardzo dobry film.
Nabrałem sie na trailer i poszedlem do kina na 3d i sie rozczarowalem calkowicie. Podtrzymuje powyzszy komentarz oddający dokładnie tresc tego filmu. Kino lekkie łatwe i średnio przyjemne- może byc dla średnio wymagających popkojadów ale dla pasjonata kina to zdecydowanie zamało. 3/10
Film bardzo słaby.Szkoda czasu i kasy na bilet.
Film dla fanów fantasy i gier komputerowych RPG :) Dużo głupot ale też dużo frajdy :) Efekty całkiem całkiem można obejrzeć.
Niestety film słaby. W trailerze są wszystkie fajne sceny walki a w całym filmie nie ma nic poza tym... Elitarni zabójcy walczą jak chłopi z widłami. Mistrz miecza nie daje rady pokonać jednej kobiety, która pierwszy raz trzyma miecz w rękach. Postacie płaskie bez wyrazu, akcja prostolinijna, scenariusz oklepany. Nic wciągającego. Wszystko przewidywalne. Typowy film dla widza w USA. Ale... dla rozrywki z popcornem można oglądnąć i zapomnieć.