
Villads fra Valby

Directed by: Frederik Meldal Norgaard

Cinema program "Villads fra Valby" in Kraków

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Movie poster Villads
Original title: Villads fra Valby
Runtime: 78 min.
Production: Dania , 2015
Category: comedy / family
Release Date: 13 October 2017
Distribution: Nowe Horyzonty

Directed by: Frederik Meldal Norgaard
Cast: Luca Reichardt Ben Coker, Iben Dorner, Frederik Meldal Norgaard

The film's protagonist is a six-year-old with ideas and an inexhaustible energy. Still, there are some amazing stories that, according to the boy, are fun. However, adults often have different opinions, which is why many embarrassing situations.

The unfettered imagination of the boy influences his actions in the real world. Villads can not distinguish fiction from reality, lives in a world of images and superheroes. The beginning of the school is a source of many disappointments for the boy, but also fun adventures. The story is based on a series of books by Anne Sofie Hammer with great sympathy for the main character. His ideas make the days an adventure - sometimes funny but sometimes dangerous. Villads has a loving parent who makes him manage to get out of the trouble he gets through his fantasies.

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Movie trailer: Villads fra Valby

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